2024 was once again a successful year for Stamiel Siberian Husky Kennel/Stamiel Siberians, as it earned the prestigious title of Hungary’s Most Successful Siberian Husky Kennel, along with the Kubsztár Kennel Gold Level award granted by the club. This recognition is particularly significant to me, as I was able to apply for this distinguished honor based on the achievements of only five dogs, who are as follows:
Stamiel Lucky Lucky Lucky Me!-Lucky
Stamiel Wish Upon A Star-Pinky
Stamiel Whistle Baby-Lagertha
Stamiel Star Attraction-Cassius
Stamiel Mastermind-Dilen
I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to the owners of Stamiel huskies, whose tireless efforts, showcasing their dogs at exhibitions, and outstanding results have significantly contributed to the success of Stamiel Kennel. Without their dedication and support, none of this would have been possible.